Legendary Park rapper Jargonhead announced today that he has signed on to rap at the Beats of Burden music festival in September
Legendary Park rapper Jargonhead announced today that he has signed on to rap at the Beats of Burden Music Festival this September.
“I’m all in,” he said in a statement released by his manager this morning.
The rapper, who embarked on his Ducks in a Row tour last Winter has been performing outside The Park for several months. On his return last week, he was advised of the upcoming festival.
“He was so impressed by what the Beasts had done to set this thing up. He called them right away and just about begged them to let him participate,” said his manager Jukka Ankka.
“He said to me, ‘I love the way they think outside the box. They’re really pushing the envelope here and I want to be involved. IMHO, I think this is going to be a game changer,'” Ankka said.
The Beats of Burden Music Festival will take place September 14-16. All proceeds from the festival will go toward assisting The Park’s refugees.