It’s official: Nicoletta Moth becomes Enforced Domestication Awareness Month Ambassador
First, it was the missing letter in “Beasts” that turned the annual charity music festival into the “Beats of Burden.” Then, it was the Does of Peace, The Park’s newest peacekeeping group and 2015 Mammalian Daily Animals of the Year.[pullquote]She was amazing, particularly as a Tarantula. Her Wasp is better known, but her Tarantula and Praying Mantis are to die for.”—EDAM organizer Hercule Parrot on comedian, Animal impersonator, and new EDAM ambassador Nicoletta Moth[/pullquote]
Now, the organizers of June’s Enforced Domestication Awareness Month (EDAM) have named the campaign’s first official ambassador. And she’s a Moth.
“We couldn’t believe it happened again,” Hercule Parrot told The Mammalian Daily yesterday.
The 2012 Chitter Radio Literary Award winner and part-time mentor at BirdBrains, The Park’s first Avian mentoring programme, joined the campaign’s organizing committee just this year. And it was his responsibility to find an ambassador for the month-long campaign.
“Don’t get me wrong. I was in no way disappointed in those who applied nor in our final choice. In fact, I wish I had thought of it myself. Moths are, of course, a species that suffers enforced domestication and they’ve been underrepresented in our campaign and I’m sorry for that. But, of course, I was puzzled at first by the applications we received, until I took a look at our advertisement. And there it was: Moth instead of Month.”
After interviewing what Parrot calls an “amazing” number of Moths, he settled on one he says “stood out among the rest in terms of intelligence, talent, and commitment.” And her name is Nicoletta Moth.
A comedian and Animal impersonator, Moth’s most recent gig was at The Howler, where she performed for a packed house.
“I was there,” Parrot said, admitting that as an imitator himself, he wanted to see what another species could do.
“She was amazing, particularly as a Tarantula. Her Wasp is better known, but her Tarantula and Praying Mantis are to die for,” he said.
Moth will be putting her performing career on hold for the month of June this year and each year for the next three.
“We feel extremely grateful that she accepted our offer,” Parrot says. “She’ll do a world of good for enforced domestication awareness.”