Reekabilly star Faramund Stinktier plans to seek an official species status change
Many Park Animals may believe that Faramund Stinktier has gone underground since his shocking revelation in September that he believes he was meant to be a Zebra. But nothing could be further from the truth.[pullquote]We only have one life and I would be doing myself a disservice to deny who I am for the whole of mine.—Reekabilly star Faramund Stinktier[/pullquote]
The Reekabilly star, composer, and one half of the SCENTient Beings duo says he has no plans to retreat from Park life, nor to deny his own reality, however much it irritates certain groups in The Park.
“We only have one life and I would be doing myself a disservice to deny who I am for the whole of mine,” Stinktier says.
Not surprisingly, he also utters those words in the trailer for his new reality series, Life in a Different Stripe, set to début in January on Vertebrate Vision Television (VVTV).
The Mammalian Daily sat down with Stinktier for an hour-long interview in early October. The full interview will appear in the newspaper in the coming weeks. Here are a few highlights from our emotional meeting:
- Stinktier confirmed that he will seek an official change of his species status in the new year
- He says that life has become “more complicated” than it was before his announcement, but that he anticipated an even worse reaction to his news than he has received, “Although I would never say it’s been easy.”
- Stinktier has no immediate plans to change abodes or to attempt to join a Zebra herd. “I don’t expect them to embrace me with any zeal, but I hope they’ll come to understand that I am sincere.”
- Stinktier says he welcomes the opportunity to bring issues related to his own feelings and choices out in the open and would welcome the opportunity to become an advocate and a mentor to those in similar situations.
- He will continue his musical career full-time and has no intention of letting anything interfere with it.
- SCENTient Beings concerts and recordings are selling well, despite a boycott by Park Zebras.