Jerzy Szop stands inside what remains of his longtime residence
A second Park Tree has been hacked in the night.
In a statement issued at nine o’clock this morning, Park Police confirmed that a Maple Tree outside The Battering Ram Café was found to have suffered “significant damage.”
“At five-thirty this morning, Park Police were called to the scene after several patrons exiting the [Battering Ram] Café noticed the destruction,” the statement said.
Chief Inspector Maurice Addax of the Park Police’s Specist and Hate Crimes Unit (SHCU) said that his team is investigating what he called the “utter devastation” of a Park landmark.
“We have called in a Tree doctor, but we fear it may not survive until tomorrow,” Addax said in a telephone interview.
The Maple Tree, which is believed to be one of The Park’s oldest Trees, has been home to Jerzy Szop for the past three years. Szop says he is “shaken to the core” at the loss of his home.
“I feel violated,” he said, as he stood inside what remains of his residence. Holding a parasol for protection against the midday sun, Szop said he felt “completely disoriented” after arriving home from a late-night food gathering expedition to discover that he no longer had a home.
Szop says he doesn’t know if he’ll continue to live in The Park, even though he’s had multiple offers of shelter.
“I’ve completely lost trust in Park life,” he moaned, as his friends and family gathered around to support him.